230 EETS boxes have passed the test.
Two months ago, we ordered DKV Box Europe toll collection devices for all INDEKA Group vehicles operating in international traffic. What factors influenced our decision? The first factor is convenience, as a driver has to control one device instead of three, and the other reason was the announced wide used of these boxes in more […]
Two months ago, we ordered DKV Box Europe toll collection devices for all INDEKA Group vehicles operating in international traffic. What factors influenced our decision?
The first factor is convenience, as a driver has to control one device instead of three, and the other reason was the announced wide used of these boxes in more countries. To a lesser extent, saving window space was also a factor. From our perspective, being able to pay toll in multiple countries with a single device is an important milestone in business management. Thanks to our cooperation with DKV in terms of paying road toll in Europe, all accounting features are now in one place. Additional savings come from waiving the deposit for the device, as we do not have to freeze any funds.
To what extent do the countries in which the device already operates overlap with the routes planned for INDEKA Group’s vehicles?
We opted for DKV Box Europe, as the system already operates in such countries as Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Portugal and Spain. It is also available in Bulgaria, but our vehicles rarely go there. We look forward to the system being implemented in other countries, especially Hungary and Italy. As far as I know, the device test phase is already underway in Hungary. Hungary is a very common destination for us. We currently pay “manually” via the HU-GO portal, which in itself is not very convenient. Even more inconvenience is caused by the fact that a driver must follow a strictly defined route for which we have paid. When unexpected situations occur on the road, it becomes a problem, as the driver cannot deviate from the predetermined route, as this may result in a heavy fine.
Do you happen to swap boxes between vehicles?
So far, we have not done it, because we connect the device permanently to a wiring harness in a vehicle. Instead, we happened to change the registration numbers entered in the box when a vehicle needed re-registration. I must admit that I initially had concerns about how this solution would work out in terms of time. To do this, a special form must be sent to DKV. However, the whole process takes maximum 72 hours.
INDEKA Group’s vehicles travel mainly to western European countries, such as Spain, France and Belgium. How do we assess operation of the DKV Box Europe system in these countries?
Very well. Belgium, in particular, was a problem for us because of the needed to connect the device each time we entered the country. Unfortunately, unauthorised passage in Belgium results in a very high fine. Connecting the new box permanently has completely eliminated this problem.
In France, Germany or Spain, I do not think there is much difference between the operation of older devices and DKV Box Europe. The new boxes also operate well in Austria and Portugal. Simply saying, the device works flawlessly everywhere.
What is the difference between the EETS device and the existing solutions?
Firstly, DKV Box Europe is universal. We easily cross borders of many countries with one device in a vehicle. Secondly, DKV offers a very simple billing system. Once every fortnight, we receive a collective invoice covering all route sections driven. Not only is the information provided in a very transparent way, but we can also save money because we have the option of settling an invoice in the net invoicing mode. This means that we pay the net amount and the VAT is handled by DKV. With our quite extensive fleet, this is a very noticeable difference. I would like to emphasise that we have been offered many solutions and we are constantly monitoring market novelties and solutions in this area, but at the moment, given our long-standing cooperation, we opt for the DKV solution.
What does the EETS box installation consist in?
To begin with, it must be configured by setting a correct number of trailer axles and the transport set weight. It only needs to be done once and the device is ready for installation.
How long did it take to install 230 units?
It took about two months. This was due to the fact that not all vehicles are present simultaneously in our depot. The moment a vehicle was off the road, we immediately handed over a configured unit to our service centre. Our service centre can install up to 12 units per day. Installation of one box takes approximately 40 minutes.
The INDEKA Group’s cooperation with DKV Euro Service has lasted for almost 20 years. This is an impressive period of time. Have we ever thought about changing operators?
DKV has been with us almost from the very beginning. With such a large fleet, we have not considered changing the operator, although it is no secret that we also work with other operators. We cooperate with three card providers. This gives us a chance to compare different offers. DKV is distinguished by the multiplicity, quality and reliability of its services, and perfect contact with their representatives. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Agnieszka, our account manager. I am very impressed with her approach to our company. Our long-standing cooperation with DKV is based on complete trust and transparency.
Which services do we use most often?
First of all, we use the toll billing services in almost all the countries we travel to. We have 230 DKV Box Europe devices in use plus 10 additional DKV devices. Additional boxes are not assigned to any given vehicle. Ordering such a large number of boxes was determined primarily by convenience and savings. At the moment we are very satisfied. Of course, our drivers also hold DKV fuel cards.
The services offered by DKV are comprehensive and centred around our day-to-day operations. Our vehicles are out on the road every day, refuelling, paying for passages, etc. With such a large fleet, the method of billing offered by this company is extremely convenient for us, i.e. net invoicing, VAT reimbursement, one invoice every fortnight. Web-based fleet management tools such as the DKV Maps service for planning and optimising routes and the e-Reporting service for detailed monitoring of current payments across Europe, generating statements and reports that can be integrated into any fleet management system are also very useful.